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Make feature cam post read in diam

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The Info Toolbar has been removed, along with the information fields on the Tool Toolbar. * The Drilling Form now uses the same type of user interface as 2D machining. * A setting on the Import page of the Option Form allows a user to choose the number of Most Recently Used Files * Less memory is used when toolpaths are calculated, enabling machining to be performed on large models without running out of memory. The more threads the calculation runs in, the greater the effect. * The drawing of the "in progress" (pink) toolpath has been optimised so that toolpath calculations will run much more quickly. Also, contact point tracks are now selectable.

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* Framerates for scenes containing toolpaths, especially larger ones, have been improved. * Spiral machining calculates more quickly than in PowerMILL 9.


* Many calculations are able use multi-threading, speeding up calculation by allowing PowerMILL to make full use of multi-core computers. This is only available with an advanced NC licence. When the Queue button is pressed on the toolpath form processing will start, the icon in the tree will indicate when processing is complete. * Toolpaths, Boundaries and Stock Models can now be calculated while the user continues to run PowerMILL. PowerMILL will display an information log off any files it detected errors with, and any entities that were invalidated as a result. If any entity references an entity that that powermill skipped over as a result, then that entity will be invalidated. * PowerMILL can continue to read a project even if it finds a corrupt or missing file in the project. Data will be always be saved in a temporary directory if no project name has been specified and this data can be recovered when PowerMILL is restarted. * PowerMILL can now recover data from sessions which crashed even if no project was saved.

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Delcam PowerMill 10 SP6 + PowerMill 2010 RC1 + PowerMill 10 SP7

Make feature cam post read in diam